
Tuesday, 3 September 2013

DIY Mayo Hair Treatment

The water in Guatemala is really harsh.  It leaves my skin feeling really dry.  On top of that, the pressure in my shower is almost non-existent.  The combination of these leaves my hair feeling drier than I'm used to.  In my never-ending idea/project/diy/fill-my-day list, I decided to do a treatment for my hair.

In my research, I came across many DIY recipes using items from your kitchen.  In the end, I decided to go with a Mayo treatment.  I've done it twice. Once with just mayo, once with mayo and avocado and a bit of olive oil.  Both left my hair silky, smooth, straight, and a bit greasier than I would like.  This may or may not have to do with the fact that the instructions called for leaving it in the hair for 20 minutes and my ADD mind got side-tracked with so many other things that both times I kept it in for over an hour.  I also think I may have just rinsed it out and not washed it...can't remember.  It's okay though, since Guatemalan's love hair gel and I just looked like I had used half a jar in my hair and fit in well  : )

Anyway, it was really simple, really cheap, and really effective.  Here's the recipe should you be so inclined as to try it yourself.

1. Wet your hair

2. Rub mayo all over your hair as if it were shampoo (if you combine, mix the mayo, avo, and/or oil in a bowl first, then apply)

3. Place a shower cap on your head to seal in the heat (if you live in the middle of nowhere like me and don't have a shower cap, you can use a plastic bag and headband. I looked pretty hot like this and sure you will too)

4. Wait 20 minutes

5. WASH it out (not just rinse)

6. Smile for the cameras with your pretty new head of hair!

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