
Sunday, 18 August 2013

Simple Murder-Mystery Salmon

I'm always looking for new "recipes" to make.  I use the term "recipe" loosely since I'm not much for following measurements or step by step instructions for meals, rather I like to mix and match and try things together until they look and taste about right. 

As a "pescetarian" and someone who has limitations on what they can eat (no gluten, dairy, sugar, most oils, etc.) it's often hard to get creative and eat the same boring meals eat day.  Also, as someone who MUST eat when hungry and has NO patience for cooking once hunger begins, I'm always looking for quick, easy meals.

I invented this SUPER EASY and SUPER DELICIOUS salmon yesterday (to be fair, maybe I didn't invent it and this recipe already exists. I have no idea since I didn't look for one, I just looked in my kitchen and threw together what I had) and thought I'd share the "recipe." I have know idea what the measurements were, so I'm just going to guess-timate. You should use your creativity and brain power to adjust for your own liking.   

 (I didn't actually take any photos of the meal, but I found these online and they look about the same. You get the idea).
Salmon- 2 servings worth
Garlic- about 2 cloves
Olive Oil- a capful
Rosemary-a teaspoon
Basil -about 4 leaves
Ginger- a pinch
Salt and Pepper to taste
Balsamic Vinegar- 3 teaspoons? I just poured it on top to coat
A good Murder Mystery Book

To make:
Place all ingredients (except olive oil) in a ziploc bag.
Shake and let sit to marinate a bit. (I let mine sit as long as it took me to read a chapter in my book and get back up from the hammock).
Add a cap full or so of olive oil to a pan.
Pour contents of bag into pan (try to get garlic and goodies into pan for a minute before the fish but if it all falls out at the same time, no biggee) and sautee (with a lid on) for another chapter.
Add more balsamic vinegar and let simmer (with lid still) until it forms a sweet, sticky glaze, fish is cooked, and you've finished the next chapter.

Eat and enjoy!