You know what they say, "Misery loves Company." I like the thought of this statement, not because I'm cruel and want others to suffer, but because the human spirit needs to live on hope. And we need to know others understand and empathize with us. Sometimes when you're going through a tough time, all you need to know is that you are not alone; that someone else has been there, knows what you are going through, and has survived---which hopefully means you will too!
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
Saturday, 24 November 2012
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Monday, 12 November 2012
Are you a Healer?
So I went to Acupuncture tonight. It's offered free in my town from students learning to be professionals. Anyway, as I talked the girl working on me, she began asking me some supplemental questions, feeling my energy and "chi" and then concluded that she thought I was a healer. I wasn't sure what to make of that except to feel a bit proud and cool : ) But, I just looked it up and it sums me up to a, now I feel even prouder and cooler : ) So, if I have to deal with anxiety and being called overly-sensitive because of my awareness of energies, etc. in exchange for the title of "Healer," I'll take it! Think that will fly on a resume?! : )
How do you know you're a healer?
Here a few signs that you could be a modern-day shaman:
1) You're sensitive. This includes being sensitive to your environment such as sounds, energy and the people in your surroundings. You can be easily overwhelmed. You prefer nature, as well as quiet and calm spaces.
2) You like being alone. You're introverted by nature. Being in large crowds is draining and overwhelming for you. When you're alone, you feel like you can charge up your batteries and regain your energy.
3) You're intuitive. You have a good sense of how things will turn out, and people often to turn to you when they have a problem. You can easily anticipate people needs and wants. You often have dreams and visions.
4) You have a big heart. You're empathic and compassionate. You can easily feel other people's pain. People often feel better or comforted in your presence, and feel safe in sharing their life secrets with you.
5) You are aware of energy. You see and sense the world through a different lens. You know that the world is more than just what you see, and you're able to look beyond the surface level of situations and exchanges. Your abilities can also make you sensitive to negative and positive energy.
6) You enjoy helping others. You genuinely enjoy being of service to other people. You may already be in a role of helping others as a practitioner, such as a nurse, chaplain or therapist. It brings you deep meaning and joy to help others.
7) The word "healing" excites you. You don't know why, but you're attracted to healing and want to learn more. You know you have a calling and have a feeling that healing can help you explore more deeply your gifts and talents.
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
Peace Corps Guilt
I was reading a blog entry from a girl who is currently a Peace Corps Volunteer in Paraguay, just like me a few years ago. (Thanks for posting, Jen B.!) As I read her post, I couldn't help but relate to many of the things she said and thought I'd highlight them here. It reminded me not only of my time in PC, but my trips to Mexico, Baltimore, SE Asia, and any time I see someone in need. Blame it on my good-old Catholic-guilt upbringing, blame it on my hippy genes, blame it on whatever you want....all I know is, I live with a good, healthy dosage of guilt every day and am happy to do so if it causes me to act more responsibly towards those less fortunate. I am VERY fortunate to have all that I have but I am well aware that it is just that, LUCK, and nothing else that separates me from those born into other circumstances and I can't sit back and watch others drown without trying to do something about it.
To read the entire article, as well as see the source, please see the link below.
"Someone is drowning in a lake and you are watching. She is sinking lower and lower, her head tossed back so that she can just barely manage a gulp of air. You can save her. Most people would argue that ethically you mustsave her. In his 1971 essay "Famine, Affluence, and Morality," ethicist Peter Singer compares the general moral obligation to help the drowning to every privileged individual's moral obligation to alleviate global poverty.
To read the entire article, as well as see the source, please see the link below.
"Someone is drowning in a lake and you are watching. She is sinking lower and lower, her head tossed back so that she can just barely manage a gulp of air. You can save her. Most people would argue that ethically you mustsave her. In his 1971 essay "Famine, Affluence, and Morality," ethicist Peter Singer compares the general moral obligation to help the drowning to every privileged individual's moral obligation to alleviate global poverty.
People all over the world are dying. They are suffering and we are watching. It is immoral, says Peter Singer, not to do everything in our power to help them. iPods, spankin' new cars, vacations to Disney World... we spend money on these things instead of paying for life-saving surgeries, feeding hungry children or investing in third world economies. According to Singer, the fact that we don´t need to watch the poor suffer doesn´t change the fact that they are drowning and we know it. And we let them.
I can't claim that reading Singer's essay was the reason I joined the Peace Corps, but it definitely instilled in me a sense of...!
I tell people I joined the Peace Corps to understand what it means to be poor, but that´s just part of the story. I joined the Peace Corps to figure out how to escape the guilt of having so much while other people have so little.
Here in my rural-ish urban community in Paraguay, I am living in a vat of perpetual boiling hot guilt. And I've found that I am not the only one. All of the following causes us volunteers to feel that little pang in the chest that means we are doing something pretty horrible:
1) Taking time for ourselves
We feel guilty for staying in the house all day, or for being out of site and missing our neighbors' birthdaysopa. We feel guilty for watching a movie alone instead of with some Paraguayan neighbors. We're servants of the community, right? It's supposed to be a full-time job. Every hour spent watching a movie is an hour we could have helped a child with his homework. Every trip to visit a friend is a leadership retreat for teenagers that never had the chance to happen.
2) Not sharing personal possessions
Just this week I was called a bruja for not lending my computer to someone. And maybe I am a bruja. Families share with me whatever little food they have and I share nothing. I feel like the meanest witch alive.
3) Being too chuchi (fancy)
How can we live in a house with a modern bathroom if no one else has one? How can we buy the chuchichocolate from America when our neighbors can't afford a bag of rice? How can we be paying someone to wash our clothes, how can we go on vacation, how can we have hot water, how can we have running water, arrrrghhhhhhh!
4) Being unsustainable
Apparently the whole point of this helping others thing is sustainability. Don't give stuff to the community, get them to work for it themselves! So, that sounds awesome... until you have the opportunity to get 40 free pairs of reading glasses from America. You can nix the freebees or you can help 40 impoverished ancianosto read again. But then you have to accept the hot-headed guilt that comes with it, the possibility that you jeopardize your community's motivation because they realize the truth that their lives would be so much easier if the first world shared some of its money.
5) Failing to save the world
A couple weeks ago, a 9-year-old girl showed up at my house for the first time. I was surprised by the visit and amazed -- María had come a long way since she first joined our girls group six weeks before. She was the girl who smiled but rarely spoke, and even then rarely in Spanish -- only in the indigenous language Guarani. And now she popped by just to hang out. But something struck me as odd, as I glanced at my pizza in the oven and then at my watch. The time was 11:50. Almost lunch time... the holy hour of the only meal that really gets eaten in Paraguay.
¨María, what time do you have to be home?¨ I asked her.
¨No, my mother isn't cooking today,¨ she replied.
¨What?¨ I was shocked. Even the poorest families I know eat something for lunch, even if not very much. ¨Aren't you hungry?¨
She told me no, she'd had tortillas at 5AM.
It wasn't a question of feeling generous and tossing a dollar at a beggar child on the street. This was María. My María. Her immune system, her literacy rate, her confidence level and her general growth rate all depended on me in that moment. I shared my pizza with her.
She ate every bite. Even the green pepper and onions sprinkled on top... and you would be hard-pressed to find a child where I live who would eat a vegetable you can see. Then she asked me what I was making for dinner.
I immediately felt thrown into a moral crisis. All my guilt -- for leaving site, for being too chuchi, for not sharing and for being unsustainable -- charged forth dressed for battle.
I can't feed her every single meal. I can't be responsible for this little girl.
Stop being selfish. Yes, you can. You make more than enough on your Peace Corps stipend to feed another person.
But what about her eight siblings? What about her neighbors? What about everyone else who is falling through the cracks? How can I do this just for her?
You took a vacation to Peru. You did that instead of feeding a little girl.
It's not even sustainable to buy her food, I should try to develop the soup kitchen at our local community center instead.
You know that is unrealistic. The soup kitchen is open for three lunches a week and is already a strain for the women who cook. You are going to stand back and watch this little girl fall.
All this seems to me a pretty depressing lose-lose situation. Either I ignore the hunger of a child, or I create jealousy amongst her peers. And either way she will be hungry again next year after I go back to America. How do I cope with all of this burden? How do any of us cope?
It helps to remember Goal 3 of the Peace Corps: to help people back home understand human need and realize their responsibility to throw that lifesaver. In a sustainable way, of course. Because the guilt that we are allowing people to drown is not mine. It is ours."
Sunday, 4 November 2012
Organic Lavender Bath Melts
Looking for a great homemade gift to make someone? I haven't tried this recipe for organic bath melts myself, but I'm intrigued enough to try and to share it should you be so inclined as well.
Lavender Bath Melts
50g organic shea butter
50g organic cocoa butter
2 drops of lavender essential oil (per melt)
1 teaspoon of dried lavender flowers
1 teaspoon of organic chamomile tea
1. Finely grate your cocoa butter and add to a glass bowl. Add your shea butter to the grated mixture.
2. Place your glass bowl on top of a pan of hot water and stir until melted then take off the heat.
3. Open a teabag of organic chamomile tea and sprinkle 1 teaspoon of it into the mix.
4. Sprinkle your dried lavender into the mix and give it all a good stir.
5. Gently pour your molten mix into silicone moulds (you can also use ice cube trays but I find the melts easier to remove from silicone). I like to use small pretty shapes such as flower moulds that are designed for chocolate.
6. Add your essential oil (in this case lavender) to the moulds.
7. Put your melts into the fridge to harden up for about an hour.
8. Pop your melts out their mould and store in a pretty glass jar.
Pop one bath melt in a warm bath and wait for it to dissolve. Be careful as the cocoa butter can make your bath quite slippery. If you don’t want your bath to be covered in lavender flowers and chamomile you can always place your bath melt in a muslin cloth bag.
Feel free to adapt this recipe to suit your own personal preference and tastes. Other great combinations include lemon and orange with grated lemon zest or shredded rose petals and geranium essential oil.
Source: http:// www.bebeautiful-beautyblog. com/2012/08/ diy-lavender-chamomile-bath -melts.html
2 drops of lavender essential oil (per melt)
1 teaspoon of dried lavender flowers
1 teaspoon of organic chamomile tea
1. Finely grate your cocoa butter and add to a glass bowl. Add your shea butter to the grated mixture.
2. Place your glass bowl on top of a pan of hot water and stir until melted then take off the heat.
3. Open a teabag of organic chamomile tea and sprinkle 1 teaspoon of it into the mix.
4. Sprinkle your dried lavender into the mix and give it all a good stir.
5. Gently pour your molten mix into silicone moulds (you can also use ice cube trays but I find the melts easier to remove from silicone). I like to use small pretty shapes such as flower moulds that are designed for chocolate.
6. Add your essential oil (in this case lavender) to the moulds.
7. Put your melts into the fridge to harden up for about an hour.
8. Pop your melts out their mould and store in a pretty glass jar.
Pop one bath melt in a warm bath and wait for it to dissolve. Be careful as the cocoa butter can make your bath quite slippery. If you don’t want your bath to be covered in lavender flowers and chamomile you can always place your bath melt in a muslin cloth bag.
Feel free to adapt this recipe to suit your own personal preference and tastes. Other great combinations include lemon and orange with grated lemon zest or shredded rose petals and geranium essential oil.
Source: http://
Saturday, 3 November 2012
Half the Sky
I was watching the tube the other night and happened across a documentary called: Half the Sky. It's about prostitution in India and other parts of the world and the organizations trying to give the women and their children an opportunity for a different path in life. It was educational, depressing, inspirational and made me want to find out more about it and how I could help. To that end, I'm # 17 on the wait list at the library to read "Half the Sky," by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn. If it sounds interesting to you, I encourage you to learn more and check out the book or video or both.
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